
Our Blog


Seeking His Presence

“One thing I have asked of the Lord that will I seek, inquire for, and is that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of


Caring for others

Caring for others is the highest testament of humanity, compassion and empathy are essential qualities that define us as human being. Caring for others is about prioritizing the well being


Keep Moving Forward

You have gained momentum and are making progress. Keep moving forward, and refuse to allow anything to hold you back. I am your very present help in these times, says


Discover Your Roots

Be who you are called to be. You are identified by name. You have a family name, your earthly family name and your heavenly family name. I say unto you



Beloved, it seems like there is always one more thing you have to do to accomplish what has been set before you. But you are like a seed that has



Discernment is being poured out right now. Open your hands and receive it. There are situations in your life that need great discernment. Do not be fooled or enticed. When


Way of Faith

Be very careful how you approach the situation that is before you. This has not surprised Me. There are those in your life who do not live according to My


Strength and Power

This is a time of new beginnings when you can effectively make changes that will result in greater safety and protection. Stay alert as you put the past behind you


Quiet and Listen

Too often we would rather have someone tell us what to do rather than listen to GOD’S voice. Is it easier to follow a “law” than to hear a direct


Small Straws by Marsha Burns

When you get overwhelmed, stop and relax. Quiet your mind and emotions and listen carefully for My still small voice. I will show you what you need to know to